Meet Our Writers

Kathy is a recent graduate from De Montfort University, where she studied Arts Management and Film. On her days off, she enjoys reading, adventures, playing guitar, and singing (or trying to, at least!). When she’s not doing any of that, she can normally be found wandering around art galleries or bargain-hunting. Kathy writes mostly about the latest fashion news and trends, and has a special interest in ethical and recycled fashion.

Louise has a wealth of music and media experience and qualifications in Media and Theatre. Her ‘other job’ is as Creative Director of a successful radio show that is now syndicated in New York, Australia, Berlin and Moscow. When she’s not at Models Direct, Louise is studying Creative Music Production as a natural progression from her DJ/Radio experience. Having also spent time as a model, Louise has a natural leaning towards the fashion and modelling world when she blogs and she loves to check out what’s happening in the industry.