The Truth about Children’s Growing Pains

We all remember those long nights of agony as our leg bones grew and our muscles struggled to keep up. This pain is experienced by the majority of children, and most often in the legs. Growing pain is not a medical condition or a disease that needs treated by a doctor. The pain is almost always gone by morning because we grow the most at night. They are a normal part of childhood and when it happens your child will benefit from comfort, attention and a motherly touch.

Models Direct

The most common childhood growing pains are sharp, throbbing pains in the legs, typically occurring at night and sometimes in late afternoon. Occasionally, the pains can be strong enough to wake a child. Between 25 and 40 percent of children between three and five years, and again between the ages of 8 and 12, experience these night time aches. If they indeed do not happen during the day then the chances are very high that they are simply growing pains and no further attention is needed. Modelling photo shoots are sometimes called off if the baby is distraught and feeling these pains. They happen almost at random and can just come out of the blue. There are some things you can do though to soften the discomfort. Massaging increases the blood flow to the growing tissues and bones and will take some attention away from the pain. Heated pads or warm hot water bottles will dull the pain too following by gentle stretching and moving to get things settled into place.

Models Direct
When trying these things pay close attention to your child’s reactions. If the area appears tender or hypersensitive it may be an indicator that something else is happening. They should be comforted by your touch. Growing pains are a muscular ache, not an inflammation, more like a stretching. Tenderness in the joints or pain when touched heralds a quick visit to your GP. These classic “growing pains” are different from pain associated with the rapid growth during the time period surrounding puberty. Increased bone growth outpaces muscle and tendon flexibility, causing new stresses on attachments to certain growth areas on the bone. Pain and swelling can occur and interfere with activities and sports. Inflammation of the growth plates is called apophysitis. The most common areas affected are the knee and heel, and the pain can fluctuate during the 2 to 3 years of rapid growth. Treatment includes flexibility exercises, local ice application, and altering activities during the painful days. Many modelling advice companies and agencies will encourage regular check ups from the GP if they feel that illness may affect your availability the health of your child.

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Models Direct: A Day Out in London

Back in June, four lucky child models were chosen to take part in a photo shoot at the Natural History Museum in London for children’s clothing company Vintage Kit.

After the museum it was on to Hyde Park for more photos. Although it was a long day for the young models, their parents gave us some positive feedback.

“Eniz had a great day on the Vintage Kit photo shoot,” her dad Besh commented. “The contact on the day was very understanding and very patient with the young children on the assignment…”

You can read more about this modelling assignment here.

Models Direct’s Child Modelling Assignment with Kit for Kids

Nine child models were chosen to take part in a number of assignments with Models Direct repeat client Kit For Kids. However, it didn’t wasn’t too much hard work as they were photographed playing with the company’s products. Read on for some of the feedback from the parents.

“Morgan was asked to play with toys, read books, pull faces and play with the group,” Morgan’s mum Claire informed us. “Morgan really enjoyed the shoot and she made friends with the other children involved. She was very relaxed and performed well.”

“Zach had a great time modelling for Kit For Kids,” Zach’s mum Sam agreed. “This was his first modelling assignment and he loved every minute of it. Zach enjoyed having lots of different photos taken and made some great friends that he hopes to see again. Thank you Models Direct for a great day!”

You can read more about this child modelling assignment here.

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Ashleigh and Shae-Love are Still Getting Dressed Up

Models Direct has had some feedback from Ashleigh and Shae-Love’s most recent assignment with fancy dress company Smiffy’s. Here’s what their mums had to say about their photo shoots.

“Ashleigh said she felt ‘fantastic’ being a model for the day as it ‘was good fun’,” her mum Kerry told us. “The best thing about the day’s assignment was at the end of the photo shoot the six children chose a fancy dress costume to wear, danced in it, played with balloons, party poppers and bouncy balls – lots of fun!”

Shae-Love’s mum Selina confirmed that the assignment was really fun for all involved.

“Another great assignment,” Selina said. “Shae is becoming increasingly confident, she felt very special. The best thing about the assignment was that Shae-Love got the opportunity to wear different outfits and get her makeup and hair done, which she loved.”

You can apply for hundreds of modelling assignments on the Models Direct Job Board.

Click here to follow Models Direct news on Twitter or join the official Facebook Group.

Ashleigh and Shae-Love are STILL Enjoying Assignments with Smiffy’s

Smiffy’s favourite child models Ashleigh and Shae-Love were selected yet again for two more assignments with the fancy dress company. They have already had their first of the two assignments, a fitting session, and are looking forward to the photo shoot next week.

Ashleigh’s mum Kerry offered her feedback.

“We drove Ashleigh to Leeds for costume fittings for the client Smiffy’s,” she told Models Direct. “As usual the staff were very friendly and made both Ashleigh and I feel very welcome.”

Click here to follow Models Direct news on Twitter.

You can put yourself forward for modelling assignments on the Models Direct Job Board.

Models Direct Models Spend a Day at the Pictures!

It’s always nice when lots of different models get to work with each other. This was the case for a recent assignment with Emperor Design, for which our coordinators had to find twelve models, including children, teenagers and adults.

Emperor Design was working with Models Direct on behalf of Cineworld cinemas, who required models for all of their publicity material. The assignment involved the models being photographed around one of the cinemas in Aberdeen.

This was perfect for five-year-old Ellie, as her mum explains…

“Marc the organiser and Patric the photographer were really great. They made Ellie feel so at ease that she needed little or no direction, she just enjoyed herself.”

“Ellie was asked to sit in the cinema and watch the big screen while having her photo taken. She also had her picture taken while choosing pick and mix sweets, popcorn and ice cream, this was a little girl’s dream come true as she was allowed to eat it all!”

We have to say, it sounds pretty fun to us too! Below are a few pictures of the models who worked on the assignment.


You can read more about this modelling assignment here.

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Yet Another Assignment for Ashleigh with Smiffy’s Fancy Dress

Last month, fancy-dress shop Smiffy’s rebooked six-year-old Ashleigh for the third time to model costumes for their website. As always Models Direct had some glowing feedback from her mum Kerry after the assignment.

“This is the third modelling assignment with the same client during the last five months. Therefore same photographer, make-up artist etc,” Kerry explained. “Fab people that make Ashleigh and her mummy feel very welcome and at ease. Ashleigh posed confidently – a pro now! – in eight Christmas fancy dress costumes and wants to go back again. It must be the chocolate biscuits and blackcurrant juice!”

You can read more about Ashleigh’s assignments here.

Click here to keep up-to-date with Models Direct news online.

Some Recent Models Direct Job Enquiries

Here at Models Direct we are inundated with exciting enquiries from clients looking for all sorts of models. To give you an idea of the range of assignments we receive, here are some of the recent requests we’ve had.

•    One client requested models to play a mother and child for product photography for a creative craft company.
•    A new alternative fashion website required female models with red hair for a photoshoot.
•    Another client was looking for a pure white cat for a photographic assignment.
•    A male plus plus-size model was needed for a lifestyle product photoshoot.
•    A major high street clothing company came to Models Direct looking for experienced female models to take part in a catwalk show. The models needed to be 30-50 years old and a size 12.

You can keep up to date with client requests and other Models Direct news by following us on Twitter.

Models Direct Get Sporty!

At the end of 2009, Columbia Sportswear completed their tenth and eleventh assignments with Models Direct! The company has returned again and again to find fitting models for their clothes.

All ages and types of models are needed for fitting modelling and help clothing manufacturers find out how their clothes feel to wear and how they could be improved. For one of the recent assignments with Columbia Sportswear, it was 11-year-old Harry’s turn.

“I loved it. It was the first time I’d done anything like it and the people and clothes I had to try on were fantastic,” Harry informed Models Direct’s coordinator. “I loved the new experience and the fact that everyone was so nice to me the whole time I was there.”

You can read more about this assignment here.

Click here to follow Models Direct news on Twitter.

You Should Never Work With Children or Animals… Or Should You?

In the entertainment business they say never work with children or animals, but working with both turned out to be the perfect combination for one of our female models, Elena.

Elena was working on a photographic assignment with fellow Models Direct model Gareth, young toddler Sam and a pet dog. The photoshoot took place in Sevenoaks, Kent, and was for Kit for Kids, a child care and development company to recreate a previous company logo image.

Elena was the star of the day when she managed to get the grumpy toddler interested in what was going on, which ultimately resulted in a very successful assignment. Models Direct received a very positive account from Lindsay at Kit for Kids.

“Both Elena and Gareth were great and very professional but Elena especially was brilliant,” Lindsay informed us. “All in all it was a successful shoot and wouldn’t hesitate to use either model again.”

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